Good day my wonderful readers. Today I thought I would share a little update with our little girl and with me and how motherhood is going.
Penelope is almost 3 months old, I can't believe how fast time has gone by since she was born. She is now 11lbs and pretty long too, I'm hoping she is taller than I am when she gets older haha. Her two month check up when wonderful she is growing just as she should be. A two month check up means also that she has to have her first set of shots. Her shots I think hurt me more than they hurt her haha, I cried almost as much as she did. She didn't get a fever or anything from her shots so that was good. Shortly after her shots we all got a cold, Penelope first, then me and then Aaron. As I write this, Penelope is doing better just has a cough left, I'm almost better with some congestion left and Aaron is still not feeling great. Penelope coughing and congestion sounding breaks my heart. She has been spiting up whole bottles at a time and since she is so little there is really nothing we can give her. All we can do for her was run the humidifier and use saline in her nose and use the rubber bulb sucker to get the stuff out best we can. But doing these things with a little love and lots of prayer has made her get better little by little so I am glad. One thing she has learn to do is hold her head up which is amazing to me to watch a little human grow in this way.
Being a mother has been the hardest thing I have ever done in my life that's for sure. And this cold has been the hardest thing we have dealt with as parents so far, especially since we are both sick as well. I love her so much and don't want her to be sick and hurt but when I can't really do much except let her ride it out, it's hard to watch. Emotionally my hormones are slowly going back to normal but aren't quite there yet so I am sometimes all over the place still just like when I was pregnant, which is hard on Aaron. I am working on it though, trying to control them for me and for him. Well enough about me and all that. Hope you enjoyed the update on our little family. Loves.
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