Monday, November 20, 2017

Routine for 3 kids 3 and under

Hello my wonderful readers! As I have been saying a post was coming forever on the routine of the kids. Here it is! We have had the same routine for awhile now which is good everyone knows what is coming so it works well for us. There are times that we don't stick to it like the holidays coming up will be hard with a lot of time in the car and just eating at different times than normal but we will manage. There are also days like Moms group that our schedule gets a little messed up. Speaking of schedules Aaron and I both feel like it's really important with 3 small children to have a schedule, I know that some people do just whatever their child wants to do and that's fine, I'm supportive of every family doing what is best for their family, our family just functions better on a schedule. Saying that, it is really hard to get that across to people who want to go do all these things or wonder why we can't go somewhere at 2pm. We try our very hardest to participate in all we can when it comes to family functions but when we know that our babies will all 3 be in a bad mood and crying we don't go because the event then is not enjoyable at all for Aaron and I and people don't understand that. It is a very hard thing to get across. With time it will improve and we will be able to adjust things like we do now for Penelope depending when we go somewhere. So here is the routine we are used to on most days:

7:30a-8a: Everyone wakes up, pants changed and babies get bottles and P gets milk
8:30a- We all eat breakfast
9:30a-10a- We all change clothes, twins get diaper changed and bottles then off to nap
10a-12p - Twins nap, P and I have "school time" (post on this later) then we watch a movie together
noon- Twins get changed, babies get bottles and P gets lunch
12p-2p - play time, I clean the house up a bit
2p - Twins get diaper change, P gets a pull up on, Twins get bottle, Everyone gets a few books read to them and then all go down for nap
2p-3:30p/4p - Nap time, I usually fold laundry and pick up the house or work on the blog
3:30p/4p - Everyone gets up, twins get diaper change and P gets milk
4p-5:30p - play time until daddy gets home, I usually start dinner around this time and get the house squared away for bedtime
5:30p/6p - we all sit down to dinner together
6:30p/7p - We do bedtime routine: half the days we put all 3 in the bath then everyone gets jammies and twins get bottles and P gets a story then all off to bed; the other half of the days the twins just get jammies on then drink their bottles while Aaron gives P a bath, she gets a story then all off to bed.
7p-sleep - Aaron and I watch what we want that includes no cartoons haha.

Hope this answers any questions about our normal day time routine.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Month 11 with Twins

Hello my wonderful readers! I cannot believe in 1 month I will have no more babies! They are getting so big, I have to use the stroller now to take them to the car because I can't carry both of them they are just too heavy haha. 
Diaper size: Both are still in cloth diapers 95% of the time, both are size 3 disposable diapers, Andrew has moved to the next size snaps on our one size cloth diapers.
Clothing size: Andrew is in 9 month clothes and starting to move into the next size, Juliet is going out of 6-9 month clothes and mostly in 9 month clothes. 
Sleeping: They are still sleeping the same 2 naps and all night long.
Feeding: They are still eating 5 bottles a day, 6 oz each bottle except the night time bottle is 7oz and they no longer have a 4pm bottle. 
Routine: We have the same routine post to come soon!
Firsts: First pumpkin patch visit at Apple Hill of course, First trunk or treat, First Halloween, First big sister's birthday party
Movements: Both walk holding onto the furniture no problems, they also push the push toys around no problems. Andrew did take his first couple steps unassisted on 11/10 but hasn't done it again since.
 Here are a few of the million I took at the pumpkin patch, we had a good time and got there early we were one of only two families there. 

 This little activity table has become a push toy, they both push it around all over the place.
 We did a pumpkin carving party, it lasted a total of like 10 minutes haha, to celebrate big sister's birthday. They did like sitting outside in their bumbos holding their tiny pumpkins. 
 This picture was too cute to not share, it was daddy day for onesies haha.
Andrew was sick with a fever until Monday night but still managed to smile big for his picture! Hope you enjoyed this update on the twinnies! Lots of love!

Monday, November 6, 2017

Penelope's 3rd Birthday Party

Hello my wonderful readers! We recently had Penelope's 3rd Birthday party. We decided after going all out for her first birthday party that 2-4 would be tame and just close family, really simple. The theme was her favorite movie right now....Frozen! I got most of the decor from for such a good price, most stuff was $1. I made the invites just blue paper cut out in the shape of a snowflake and wrote all the info on it for the party. We also had 3 balloons that didn't quite make it into pictures, 2 foil ones that had Olaf, Elsa and Ana on them and 1 blue latex that had a white 3 on it with what looked like snow. 
 The "Happy Birthday" banner, "party" door poster and crowns and necklaces (for Penelope and my niece Sophia) were from I made the "Let is Go and get a drink" sign from just some paper and cardboard.

 Olaf was freehanded on a piece of cardboard then I cut out paper for each piece and glued him all together, he might become a regular Christmas decoration.
 The plastic table cloth was from Hollar also and then I just made little cards from paper and cardboard: Melted snowman dip (ranch dip) and chips, Sven treats (veggie tray), Cold cuts (turkey, ham and cheese sandwiches), Frozen Ice cubes (blue jello jigglers), Frozen magic mix (vanilla with blue sprinkles muddy buddy mix) and then funfetti cupcakes with vanilla frosting and blue sprinkles. 
 I did a collage of pictures of Penelope from the last year and pinned them up to my board and it forced me to put some in frames and hang them up finally haha. 

Penelope was Elsa for Halloween this year so it was fitting that she wore her costume (get our moneys worth) again for her birthday. We also had an Elsa shirt she changed into to eat cake so we didn't mess up the costume.
I hope you enjoyed this Frozen fun birthday we had for Penelope, I still can not believe she is 3 already! Lots of Love.