Hello my wonderful readers! As I have been saying a post was coming forever on the routine of the kids. Here it is! We have had the same routine for awhile now which is good everyone knows what is coming so it works well for us. There are times that we don't stick to it like the holidays coming up will be hard with a lot of time in the car and just eating at different times than normal but we will manage. There are also days like Moms group that our schedule gets a little messed up. Speaking of schedules Aaron and I both feel like it's really important with 3 small children to have a schedule, I know that some people do just whatever their child wants to do and that's fine, I'm supportive of every family doing what is best for their family, our family just functions better on a schedule. Saying that, it is really hard to get that across to people who want to go do all these things or wonder why we can't go somewhere at 2pm. We try our very hardest to participate in all we can when it comes to family functions but when we know that our babies will all 3 be in a bad mood and crying we don't go because the event then is not enjoyable at all for Aaron and I and people don't understand that. It is a very hard thing to get across. With time it will improve and we will be able to adjust things like we do now for Penelope depending when we go somewhere. So here is the routine we are used to on most days:
7:30a-8a: Everyone wakes up, pants changed and babies get bottles and P gets milk
8:30a- We all eat breakfast
9:30a-10a- We all change clothes, twins get diaper changed and bottles then off to nap
10a-12p - Twins nap, P and I have "school time" (post on this later) then we watch a movie together
noon- Twins get changed, babies get bottles and P gets lunch
12p-2p - play time, I clean the house up a bit
2p - Twins get diaper change, P gets a pull up on, Twins get bottle, Everyone gets a few books read to them and then all go down for nap
2p-3:30p/4p - Nap time, I usually fold laundry and pick up the house or work on the blog
3:30p/4p - Everyone gets up, twins get diaper change and P gets milk
4p-5:30p - play time until daddy gets home, I usually start dinner around this time and get the house squared away for bedtime
5:30p/6p - we all sit down to dinner together
6:30p/7p - We do bedtime routine: half the days we put all 3 in the bath then everyone gets jammies and twins get bottles and P gets a story then all off to bed; the other half of the days the twins just get jammies on then drink their bottles while Aaron gives P a bath, she gets a story then all off to bed.
7p-sleep - Aaron and I watch what we want that includes no cartoons haha.
Hope this answers any questions about our normal day time routine.
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