Monday, February 19, 2018

January Monthly Favorites

Hello my wonderful readers! I thought I would start a new series hopefully I can keep up with of monthly favorites. So here is January's monthly favorites:

1. Target travel mug - $1.50 from Target clearance rack after Christmas I am using it to try to drink more water, that is one of my new year goal.

2. Kindle Fire/ Library Card - I got myself a library card for the first time in like 15 years and have borrowed books onto my Kindle which is awesome! Part of my new year goal is to read more so I have been trying to do just that. 

3. Peppermint Mocha Creamer - I absolutely love this creamer I have it every morning in my mama coffee.

4. Planner - I love anything planner related, I love to plan ahead and make lists so much for everything. I have The Happy Planner Faith Edition right now and love it!

5. LuLaRoe Leggings -  I live in these, I have way to many to admit! I love that I can be comfy and cute and get up and down off the floor with the kids all day without showing my behind. I just got some solid black ones so I am for sure wearing them ALL THE TIME! haha.

6. Organizing/Simplifying - January always brings me into the spirit of cleaning things out and organizing so I have been getting rid of a lot of stuff and just keeping what I need or what I for sure wear.

Hope you have lots of love in your life! 

Monday, February 5, 2018

Cleaning Schedule

Hello my wonderful readers! I just thought I would share something I'm not sure I have shared before. I am a stay at home mom, but with 5 people living in one home together cleaning has to be done, ALWAYS! Otherwise things will be worse at the end of week. So I thought I would share my cleaning schedule with you. Now to start I am going to say that some days not everything gets done due to one thing or another so I do have a couple catch up days in there if that happens. You just have to give yourself grace because life happens and not everything will get done always, especially with 3 little ones tearing the place apart all day haha. 

1.Kitchen cleaned up good- I don't normally do a lot of dishes on the weekends so I can spend more time with my hubby and kids when my hubby is home.
2. Laundry - All clothes laundry, adult and child.

1. Diapers - We cloth diaper if you don't know so we wash every other day usually for our 2 in cloth.
2. Vacuum - Usually this is done in two parts, I do the hallway, and bedrooms in the day time and Aaron does the dining and living room after dinner in the evening.
3. This is a catch up day because we have MOMs group in the morning every other week so the afternoon the kids crash so I can get stuff caught up.

1. Laundry - Child laundry only, by this time their basket is full and I can do a full load.
2. Hall Bathroom - I wipe everything down and take out anything still hanging to dry in there from Monday's laundry day.

1. Diapers - Diaper day again.
2. Master Bathroom - wipe everything down and set everything up for bath time in the evening for the kids.
3. Towels - I go around the whole house and change out all the towels and wash everything.

1. Laundry - All laundry adult and child because if we go anywhere on Sunday then everything is clean to choose from.
2. Grocery Pickup/Clean out fridge - I know this isn't fully cleaning but usually every other Friday I clean the fridge out good and put in an order for grocery pickup so hubby can get it on his way home.

1. Diapers - Diaper day again.
2. Window Seals - We have really bad single pain windows in our place that cause mildew in the winter so I wipe them down with bleach once a week to clean them up and keep them as clean as I can, also we keep a towel in our bedroom window and the kids window to help with draft so I wash those as well.
3. Sheets - This is every other week I will strip beds and wash everything, unless of course a child has an accident then they will get there theirs stripped immediately of course.
4. This is also a catch up day for anything that wasn't done during the week and also anything to prepare for the week ahead.

1. Church or Family Outing or Both - I do no housework or any laundry because we just spend time as a family because it is my hubby's only day off for the week.

Hope this wasn't too boring haha. Lots of love to you and yours.