Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Month 11 with Twins

Hello my wonderful readers! I cannot believe in 1 month I will have no more babies! They are getting so big, I have to use the stroller now to take them to the car because I can't carry both of them they are just too heavy haha. 
Diaper size: Both are still in cloth diapers 95% of the time, both are size 3 disposable diapers, Andrew has moved to the next size snaps on our one size cloth diapers.
Clothing size: Andrew is in 9 month clothes and starting to move into the next size, Juliet is going out of 6-9 month clothes and mostly in 9 month clothes. 
Sleeping: They are still sleeping the same 2 naps and all night long.
Feeding: They are still eating 5 bottles a day, 6 oz each bottle except the night time bottle is 7oz and they no longer have a 4pm bottle. 
Routine: We have the same routine post to come soon!
Firsts: First pumpkin patch visit at Apple Hill of course, First trunk or treat, First Halloween, First big sister's birthday party
Movements: Both walk holding onto the furniture no problems, they also push the push toys around no problems. Andrew did take his first couple steps unassisted on 11/10 but hasn't done it again since.
 Here are a few of the million I took at the pumpkin patch, we had a good time and got there early we were one of only two families there. 

 This little activity table has become a push toy, they both push it around all over the place.
 We did a pumpkin carving party, it lasted a total of like 10 minutes haha, to celebrate big sister's birthday. They did like sitting outside in their bumbos holding their tiny pumpkins. 
 This picture was too cute to not share, it was daddy day for onesies haha.
Andrew was sick with a fever until Monday night but still managed to smile big for his picture! Hope you enjoyed this update on the twinnies! Lots of love!

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