Hello my faithful readers. Today's devotion uses scripture James 4:1. The devotion today is about lust. Most people think lust is about sexual context and it isn't always about sex. You can lust after things that you don't have as well. Material things can be lusted after, like money is a big one. If you lust a lot after something you don't have and others have it can make you angry. The dare at the end of the devotion asks questions: Are you lusting after something? I don't necessarily lust after anything but it wouldn't hurt to have more money I think; Are there unhealthy desires in your heart? I don't think I have any unhealthy desires in my heart but that doesn't mean I don't have any that I don't realize right now; What good can come from releasing those desires? I think that people can be so much happier in life if they let go of their lustful desires of what other people have that they don't have.
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