Monday, February 19, 2018

January Monthly Favorites

Hello my wonderful readers! I thought I would start a new series hopefully I can keep up with of monthly favorites. So here is January's monthly favorites:

1. Target travel mug - $1.50 from Target clearance rack after Christmas I am using it to try to drink more water, that is one of my new year goal.

2. Kindle Fire/ Library Card - I got myself a library card for the first time in like 15 years and have borrowed books onto my Kindle which is awesome! Part of my new year goal is to read more so I have been trying to do just that. 

3. Peppermint Mocha Creamer - I absolutely love this creamer I have it every morning in my mama coffee.

4. Planner - I love anything planner related, I love to plan ahead and make lists so much for everything. I have The Happy Planner Faith Edition right now and love it!

5. LuLaRoe Leggings -  I live in these, I have way to many to admit! I love that I can be comfy and cute and get up and down off the floor with the kids all day without showing my behind. I just got some solid black ones so I am for sure wearing them ALL THE TIME! haha.

6. Organizing/Simplifying - January always brings me into the spirit of cleaning things out and organizing so I have been getting rid of a lot of stuff and just keeping what I need or what I for sure wear.

Hope you have lots of love in your life! 

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