Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Bouncing Toddler - 2.5 year Update

Hello my wonderful readers. So our big girl will be 2.5 years old tomorrow! I just can't believe how fast time goes by and that we are half way to 3 already. She is learning so much and developing so much. She talks up a storm everyday, all day, which isn't a surprise if you know my husband haha (she is his mini me). She is wearing size 3T clothing and size 7 shoes. We have started somewhat potty training with some pull-ups and a little potty, we aren't fully there but still working on it. She wears size 5 diapers now when we use disposables, otherwise she is in cloth and all the rise snaps are unsnapped. She has started to throw fits on the ground when not getting her way and she yells "it's mine" when you take something away from her that she wants. She listens when we tell her to do something but not 100% of the time, she is a typical 2 year old. We have a good routine for the day that we try to keep her on (post to come on routines). She has gotten two new siblings since turning 2 which is a huge change that she is doing really well with. She has an issue sometimes when we say "not now we are doing something for the babies" but most of the time she says ok. She is eating anything really, her favorite snack right now is air popped popcorn, goldfish and apple sauce pouches. 
 Above is her and her little potty. Below is her testing out the babies bouncer before they came. 

 Above is the day we brought the babies home after a week in the hospital. Below is her holding her baby sister. 

 Above is our annual visit to the snow and below is her on Valentines day this year. 

 Above and below are her doing two of her favorite things right now coloring and playing dress up with my old Halloween costumes from when I was growing up. 

 Above is her before church one morning. Below is her and her sister watching Beauty and Beast and she is eating popcorn. 
I hope you enjoyed this update on our beautiful Penelope Ann. Can't believe the next update will be her 3 year! Wow how time flies!! Lots of love! 

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Month 4 with Twins

Hello my wonderful readers. I honestly can't believe we are at the 4 month mark already time has gone by so fast! They are getting so big and growing so fast. They had shots at the doctor and were just fine. Andrew is a little over 13 lbs. Juliet is a little over 11 lbs. Juliet is turning over from back to front and starting to crawl. Andrew is also working on it but not as close. They are both in size 1 diapers now and both are fitting into our cloth diapers now so we are trying to use those most of the time. 

Clothing Size: both are in 3 month size clothes, no more newborn for either one.
Sleeping: We are kind of getting the 4mo sleep regression here and there but for the most part they are sleeping through the night in their beds in our room still.
Feeding: They are eating every 2 hours on the dot... Andrew eats 5oz and Juliet will eat 3oz-4oz
Routine: We are pretty much in a routine now with big sister, every so often we get out of routine but we try to get it back on track as soon as we can.
Firsts: They had their first St. Patrick's Day, First trip to my mother-in-law's house, First Daddy's birthday celebrated with him and First time in the church nursery (they were champs, no problems at all), and first bath all in the tub together (they were in a little bath tub in the big bath tub with big sister and Andrew screamed the whole time).
 We put them in the bouncer together, they didn't care for that too much haha. They love the black and white baby books from Usborne Books.
 Sister is showing them her toys.
 My mother-in-law bought these for them before we knew what their genders would be. I normally am not a fan of dressing them in matching outfits but these were cute! #twinning
Hope you enjoyed the update! Lots of love!

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Easter Baskets 2017

Hello my wonderful readers. We are coming up on Easter this next Sunday. It will be the twins first Easter and we are having everyone over to our place to host for the first time (post to follow Easter). I wanted to share the kids Easter baskets with you since I got them done. We decided they didn't need a lot since they all have a mountain of toys already. Penelope's basket I got her for her first Easter in 2015 from Lillian Vernon I think and the twins bags I actually won from a facebook group my friend has called Three Little Chicks ( 
 We got each of the twins a little book and a stuffed monkey that we can attach to the stroller, carseat, etc.

 Penelope we got a puzzle, two books (she loves princess' and Abby), a bunny and a tutu. 
I thought these all turned out super cute! Next year I will try to get the twins each a bigger basket like P's but this year the bags are more than big enough for their stuff. Lots of Love and show me your kids baskets. 

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

My Bullet Journal

Hello my wonderful readers. Something a little different today besides the mommy posts and baby posts. I have been trying out for about 4 months now using a bullet journal. Now I know you have most likely already heard of this because I am late to the game but I just wanted to share mine with you and what I found is working for me because I am loving this type of "planner". I am a planner junkie so for me to love a format is pretty wonderful! Now if you don't know what a bullet journal is you can google it and find out or just look at mine and I will try to explain it. I don't use the original traditional format and that is what I love about it, you don't have to! You can customize it to whatever you need it to be which is amazing when you are type A list maker. I have a month at a glance and each week at a glance. I have meal planner for every week and I make my grocery list off of that, I have even put post its on the page of what I have in my pantry and fridge so it was easier to make a menu off of it. I have my travel bucket list, blog ideas, what to pack if P goes overnight somewhere, what to pack for the twins for a whole day out, birthdays by month, monthly bills, and homeschool brainstorming for the future. I used a notebook I already had that I knew would fit in my purse because I wanted to try the format out before I bought another nice notebook that was bigger to have a longer time.
Here are a few of my pages:
 I loved looking on Pinterest for ideas for my journal. Above is one I found my grateful page, love this concept. Also I have a memories page for each month with all the main things that we did that month. 
 I used this to plan the family Christmas we held at the beginning of December.  
 This is glimpse of my week at a glance, sometimes I write about the day after it is over about how I felt or what happened that day. 
 Here is a blank meal plan I use. I now try to plan and shop for 2 weeks at a time so it is nice when the weeks are side by side like this. 
Here is a month at glance for this month. 
I just love doodling and making it look pretty. Hope you enjoyed a look into my planner. If you want to know what a traditional bullet journal looks like you can always google it and it will take you right to the original site of the maker. Lots of Love to you and yours.