Thursday, December 1, 2011


So I'm graduating in 3 school days. That sentence just doesn't seem real since I have been in school for 17 1/2 years of my life. I am praying and waiting to see where the lord is going to take me next. In the mean time I will continue with my amazing job I love and maybe add another job since I won't be in school anymore because I will have student loan payments knocking on my door soon. We will see with that.
I have been lacking on my participation in church, I'm a little scared to get involved anymore because the church is dieing. I don't know what to do a lot of the people I respect and look up to in my faith are leaving. I went to another church and really liked it, they had people my age which is a huge change, a nice change to see people my age. This new church has women's groups and groups for people my age, it's a whole new thing because our church has nothing. I just need to pray about this subject with an open heart and follow what the lord says to do. Wish me luck in the new chapter of life ahead!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Meeting the right one

So I am still looking even though I told myself I wouldn't look anymore but it is hard not too. I want to be with someone I guess that I know cares about me not about what I look like or do or whatever. I need a real man that can handle that. I look around and see all the amazing things God has put into my life like great family, amazing friends and just great opportunities but I just feel like there is one thing always missing.... Someone to share those things with. I recognize all the beautiful things God has created but I want my own beautiful thing between me and a man I am meant to be with.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

What I should be looking for.

I have been told many times to look to God and he will provide me with a husband when he feels it is time for me to have one. I have yet to listen to this advice. I have decided today that I am going to start praying about it and delete all the dating profiles and what not and just dig into God and what he has to offer and get my life together before I bring another person into it. God will bless me if I look to him and when he thinks it's my time.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

The plan

So when I was younger I had a major plan. How old I was going to be when I got married, had kids, graduate college, etc., but the older I get I'm realizing the Lord just laughed at my plans and moved them around to how He wants them which is how they are suppose to be..... They were never suppose to be what I wanted but what He wants for his glory!!!! All my friends are getting married and having babies and I'm being left behind .... But then I thought wait maybe that is in His plan maybe he is keeping me where I am because he has some things for me to do before I get married and have babies or maybe He just hasn't set up the right man of God for me. Anyways all this comes down to how I continue everyday to learn to trust the Lord with all plans and decisions in my life!! May His will be done!!!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Beautiful things

So the older I get the more I have been not wanting to care about what others think of what i do or say, well now I'm starting to realize the only person that has an opinion that matters is Jesus and if I just read my bible I find out his opinion straight up no secrets... And now that I look at my actions I realize he would not approve of them at I intend to change things slowly but surely things will change and in turn things will be better for my life! I can't wait to see what beautiful things today and tomorrow bring!