Hello my wonderful readers! So I have decided to make this post ahead of time in case I wasn't home in time with the babies from the hospital. We should be home and enjoying Christmas as a family of 5 right now so hopefully we are :-). Hope all of you have a wonderful and beautiful day celebrating Jesus' birthday!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! I hope you all stay safe and happy! See you in 2017!!!
Sunday, December 25, 2016
Monday, December 19, 2016
Bouncing Baby - THEY ARE HERE!!!!
Hello my wonderful readers. I just wanted to let you know that they have arrived! It may be a little while before I can get a good post up about their arrival so bare with me as I take this family time. Hope you are all enjoying the holiday season, prayers for me and babies and Aaron and big sister Penelope are so much appreciated! Love through the Holidays!
Friday, December 16, 2016
Bouncing Baby - Update Week 36
Hello my wonderful readers. Can't believe 36 weeks is here and gone already! Can't wait to meet these two! This week I was sick with a cold all week along with Penelope, it has been the hardest week ever! The pregnancy is making it so hard to get better. Penelope has healed just fine but I still have a cough. The week was spent resting and making sure everything is in order for the birth. I'm extremely tired and sore so I'm not sure they will make it to the scheduled birth. The week ended with us hosting a small family Christmas sinve we might not be up for traveling for Christmas this year. It was fun and wonderful! Family all had fun watching Penelope and my niece open gifts.
Hope you enjoy my possible last pregnancy update!
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Thorsen Christmas Card 2016
Hello my wonderful readers. We decided to get our Christmas cards done early this year because of not really knowing exactly when the twins would make their arrival. My goal was to have all Christmas shopping and Christmas cards done and ready to go by the end of October, I got the Christmas cards done at least. Here they are!

I hope you enjoy them as much as we do! Happy Holidays from the Thorsens!
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Bouncing Baby - Update Week 34 & 35
Hello my wonderful readers. I am hoping this post goes up at the right time instead of late haha. Week 34 and 35 was the holiday and also getting the last stuff ready for the babies in case they make their debut early.
Week 34 started off with hubby working his butt off, he has been doing whatever he can to help out and is the most amazing man ever!! I am so thankful and grateful God brought him into my life and chose him as the man I have my children with, God is so good!! Thanksgiving was wonderful (post is up on this). We ended the week by watching the new Gilmore Girls and I have to say I need more! That is all I will say so I don't spoil it for anyone. We went to the wonderful Christmas kickoff at church and it was so good! We also decorated the house and put the tree and all decor up.
Week 35 started with my Christmas cards going out (keep an eye out for the Christmas card on here soon)! I have been having a lot of Braxton Hicks this week and just sitting around with my feet up and drinking water because I need these babies to stay in a few more weeks! We did go to our MOMs group and had some fun. Wednesday me and Penelope both came down in one day with a cold big time and finished out the week with it. I had to skip bible study and Aaron had to stay home from work (which never happens unless it's serious) to help me with P and let me rest a little bit. Thankfully I have not gotten a fever and P has had only really a 99 degree "fever" which is nothing so just getting a toddler to sit still has been my challenge this week.
Saturday, December 3, 2016
Christmas Decor 2016
Hello my wonderful readers. The Christmas cards have gone out and we are completely decorated by the end of November, all that is left is one Christmas gift to buy! I consider that a serious win! Here are pictures of my decor. The only thing I didn't take a picture of was the short string of green garland and red plain bow on the outside of the front door.
Here is Penelope excited to decorate as daddy was getting stuff out of the shed.
The Christmas tree 2016. I picked just the important and favorite ornaments this year. This is our toddler proofing method haha.
I love this! She has gotten so big since last year!
This is my card holder I made during Moms group, I think it will work so much better than the piece of ribbon and plain clothes pins.
One of my cabinets decorated above and below is my favorite nativity scene I have, Jesus is the reason for the season! Also our nutcracker collection.
Last but not least is my beautiful wreath and all of our stockings, the twins will be here by Christmas for sure so we did get them a stocking for this year. We don't normally put anything in the stockings they are just for looks until the kids get a little bigger.
Hope you enjoyed seeing how we decorate for Christmas in our home. Hope yours is fun to decorate as well. Loves.
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Thanksgiving 2016
Hello my wonderful readers. This was my first year cooking a Thanksgiving dinner for anyone! I have to say I did a pretty good job. Nothing was over or under cooked so I consider that a win haha. We only had my mother in law over so we had a ton of leftovers and at off them for like 2 days it was wonderful!
Penelope's staying out of the way so daddy could vacuum before my mother in law got there.
Aaron insisted on taking a picture of me prepping the turkey for the oven.
These were taken later in the day after my mother in law left, I'm so thankful this year for our little family that will soon be almost twice the size.
My wonderful turkey!
Penelope didn't eat much but it is kind of a hit and miss with toddlers eating anything haha, she loved the rolls (the only thing I didn't make).
Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, being thankful for anything and everything!
Monday, November 28, 2016
Bouncing Baby - Update Week 32 & 33
Hello wonderful readers. Sorry for not keeping up with things I have been so busy it feels like, I am starting to go a little crazy. So the update on weeks 32 & 33 is kind of eventful haha.
Week 32 started out with election day really, we took Penelope to vote and explained what we were doing I think she enjoyed herself. Also in the same week my wonderful bible study of woman threw me a baby sprinkle and loaded us up with wonderful things for the babies, I could not be more thankful for these wonderful ladies! The weekend was wonderful as well, Saturday I went to the Birth Without Fear gathering that I have wanted to go to forever and got to go with a friend I haven't seen in awhile. Look up Birth Without Fear if you have never heard of it, January is amazing! I ended the week with a couple family members coming over and going out to eat and them showering the babies a little, it was delicious and wonderful of them to do that!
Week 33 started with a routine doctors appointment. Everything was good just chugging along, have only gained 2 pounds so far and the me and the babies are both healthy. We also had moms group this week and did a really fun craft (look for it in my Christmas decor post). Ended the week by cleaning our house top to bottom for Thanksgiving and having an ultrasound to check in on the babies.
Hope you enjoy this quick update on my pregnancy! Loves!
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Nursery Reveal
Hello my wonderful readers! We don't really have a nursery again, but unlike with Penelope they do have their own area of a room. The twins and Penelope will all be in the same room so they each have their own space and own dresser drawer. The girls share one side of the closet and little man gets his own side along with all the gender neutral clothes. At first they will be in the pack n play in our room just like Penelope was but here are their beds in their room when we are ready to put them in there:
Little man's corner.
Little girl's corner.
Penelope's big girl bed.
Here is the dresser and diaper set up we are planning on going with. The twins will be in disposable diapers until they are out of the newborn size and then we will go to cloth diapers.
Penelope's dresser drawer right now is shared with her brother a little but once things start getting used she will go back to her own drawer.
Above is Juliet's drawer and below is Andrew's drawer, all the gender neural items are also in his drawer because it's the top drawer and easy to get to.
One side of the closet is Andrew's along with all gender neutral items and the hanging organizer for socks and shoes, each kids has one pocket except Penelope has two. The shelf above the clothes has all their baby books, Penelope's night time diapers and the rest of the cloth diapers. The closet is so full I have no idea how to organize it to fit everything at this point.
Other side of the closet is for the girls and other stuff in the bottom is toys and books and blankets in boxes.
Here is our diaper organization for right now next to the dresser that has the changing pad on top of it: bottom drawer is all newborn size disposable diapers, middle drawer is cloth diapers all set to the smallest size prepped and stuffed, and the top drawer is Penelope's cloth since that is what we are using right now. When the babies arrive their disposable drawer will most likely go to the top since they will be changed more often. On top is a basket with lotion, baby powder and wipes bucket, along with all the little things in the bottom like diaper cream, nail clippers, boogie wipes and brushes and combs. Hope you enjoyed seeing what we have so far in the kids room. Love always!
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Penelope's 2nd Birthday Party
Hello my wonderful readers. I can't believe still that my little girl is 2 years old and we are celebrating her 2nd birthday already. One of her favorites is Minnie Mouse. This year being pretty much 31 weeks pregnant I didn't go as DIY and big as last year we only invited immediate family for a total of 12 and had hamburgers, veggies, macaroni salad, chips and dip and cupcakes. Nothing really fancy just simple to celebrate our baby. I went on Michael's website and ordered everything that matched for Minnie Mouse then ordered her a little white custom t-shirt for her birthday from a local lady that does awesome work. I made a little picture collage I saw on pinterest that was super easy to show my favorite pictures from the last year since her last birthday. And then made a little high chair banner also I saw on pinterest.
We got a couple of balloons, we could've not even had the party and bought her a couple balloons she would've been fine haha.
I just did the funfetti white cake with plain white frosting and pink sprinkles, really simple no fuss and delicious.
My dad and brother BBQed for us and even Charlie joined the party.
Me and my baby. Penelope got many presents from everyone.
Lots of clothes and books, which we love! Also she got her first Disney movie!
My grandma and mother in law above and my grandma and mom below.
My niece got upset presents weren't for her, her birthday is in a week so she will get some then.
Penelope got two baby dolls one girl and one boy to practice being a big sister to twins :-). She also got the cute Minnie Mouse ears she is wearing.
She got some baby bottles to feed the babies and a small cute purse to carry them around in.
The aftermath of the gift opening. Below she is already feeding her babies.
Daddy is getting a little practice holding two haha.
She didn't enjoy the singing but loved her cupcake a lot more than last year.
Hope you enjoyed these pictures as much as we enjoyed her birthday! Lots of love to our big 2 year old baby girl.
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