Hello my wonderful readers. So I have finally got a second to sit down and write the twins birth story. It started on December 12, 2016, I was 37 weeks exactly, I had a doctors appointment at 4:30p. Aaron took off work early to come home to watch Penelope while I went to the appointment. Something told me that I should finally put my hospital bag in the car that day so I did and I also got the feeling Aaron should drive me to the appointment instead of driving myself, so him, Penelope and me got all loaded up in the car and went to the appointment. I went into the appointment and I peed in a cup like normal and was weighed and blood pressure checked a couple times. Doc came in finally and did an ultrasound to check the babies' heartbeats and they were perfect. Problems that were pointed out by the doctor was my blood pressure was high a bit and there was protein in my urine, which both suggest preeclampsia. I failed to mention my c-section was scheduled for a week from this day at 38 weeks exactly. She then sent me over to the labor and delivery building to have a fetal monitor put on for a couple hours and blood pressure taken every so often. My mom had just got off work so I called her and said she should maybe pack a bag and start heading our way since it would take her a couple hours to get there. A couple hours go by laying on the uncomfortable hospital bed starving because I wasn't allowed to eat yet, my husband took my daughter to get some food so she wasn't starving and not long after he came back, my mom showed up and then the doctor on call came in and said "How would you like to have some babies tonight?" Right after she said that the blood pressure machine took my blood pressure again and it was pretty high since I felt like I was panicking since this was not the plan! We were not supposed to have babies for another week I had so much to do still I felt like to get ready for them. So my mom took Penelope home to our house and got her bathed and to bed and went to bed herself since there was no need for anyone really to be hanging around the hospital. During this time my dad and mother in law had been called and told and said they would just come the next day to see the babies. We then proceeded to be checked in fully and moved to a labor suite until it was time to prep and go in for the c-section. It was about 8:30p-9p when we got moved to the suite I believe. They came in and gave me antibiotics I think and prepped me and gave Aaron his scrubs to wear in the OR and every doc that was going to do anything to me came in and introduced themselves and said exactly what they would be doing. My nurse then asked me all the usual questions and said she would be back at 11p to take me to the OR. Well 10:45p comes and there is an emergency c-section and we are bumped back a time slot since I was not in distress or anything and the babies were just fine we just had to wait. About midnight they wheeled me into the OR and got my spinal put in and went over everything with themselves, it was kind of an out of body experience because you are numb from the chest down and have a curtain up in front of your face. Aaron was then let in the OR and watched the whole thing, he said it was the craziest thing he has ever seen.
This is the picture I took right before we left the house for my appointment that day.
At 12:34a on December 13, 2016 Andrew James was brought into this world. He was 6 lbs 3 oz. He was really shocked about being born. He had a little fluid in his lungs so he was immediately taken over and worked on a little to get it out. In this process they had to put a c-pap machine on him, when they did this they kind of filled his tummy with air. Over the next few days he had to first have a feeding tube in and IVs in to feed him because he wouldn't keep any milk down due to a tummy full of air. After he got over that problem he was border line jaundice. He was in the NICU for a week, which broke my heart. They had put me on something for my blood pressure that they would not allow me to go down to the NICU to see him with, so I did not hold him until he was almost 24 hours old. I did pump and take milk down to him and feed him and Aaron was with him a lot of the time in the NICU. His nurses and doctor were amazing!
At 12:35a on December 13, 2016 Juliet Rose was brought into the world. She was screaming very well and kicking like crazy with eyes wide open. She was 5 lbs. She was perfectly healthy and was able to be in the recovery with me start breastfeeding right away and she was with me the whole time we were in the hospital. We were able to take her down to the NICU with us to see Andrew also.
After they were taken out, they had to put me back together, this is the part where I think was the hardest because of all the pressure from them moving things around and putting things back made me throw up and pass out. I came to not too long after passing out and they finished up and I went into the recovery area where I had the shakes so bad Aaron had to feed me ice chips because I couldn't hold the cup still enough, it was the worse feeling I have ever had. It wore off in time to go to the postpartum room. At this point I have no idea what time it was or anything. I was worried about Andrew so much it was so hard to not have him with me. We were in our hospital room for 5 days, then me and Juliet were discharged. Our hospital has a thing called a boarder room that you can use for 48 hours after you are discharged if your NICU baby has not been discharged. We stayed our 48 hours to the minute and then spent about 5-6 hours in the NICU with Juliet in tow waiting for the doctor to discharge Andrew so we could all go home together. She finally came and she was hesitant on discharging him that day but she did and I am so thankful we all got to go home as a family. During the week in the hospital I pumped and we both ran milk down to Andrew and I fed Juliet and tried to go down and feed him. We came home on December 18th. We all got home for Christmas I was so happy! Penelope had come to the hospital the day they were born and saw Juliet but she was too small to go in the NICU so she had not seen Andrew until we brought him home, I think it finally hit her that there were two babies. This was an amazing experience and I know God put it in my life to make me stronger! I feel so much now for the people who have babies in the NICU because even just a week in there was really hard. I hope you all enjoyed hearing how our twins came into the world. Lots of love!