Monday, August 14, 2017

Month 8 with Twins

Hello my wonderful readers. The twins are 8 months old if you can believe that! We spent their 8 month birthday a the lake having so much fun. 

Diaper size: both are in their cloth diapers 95% of the time still on the first rise setting, both are still fitting in size 2 disposables but size 3 overnight diapers. 
Clothing size: Andrew is in size 6 month and 6-9 month clothes, Juliet is in a few 3-6 month clothes but mostly 6 month clothes.
Sleeping: They are both sleeping through the night in their cribs in the other room. We have NO kids in our room!!
Feeding: Andrew is eating 5oz every 2 hours, Juliet is eating 4 oz of formula every 2 hours, both eat 7oz before bed, both are eating purees for breakfast and dinner now. We did try puffs for the first time and Juliet wasn't too keen on it but Andrew liked them. 
Routine: We are on the same routine, getting better at it each day.
Firsts: First State Fair and First trip to the Lake (future post)
Movements: Both can sit for a good amount of time if put in the sitting position, Juliet can pull herself up into the sitting position just about, both are pulling up on things to their knees and sometimes to standing very wobbly. 

I cannot believe how fast these 8 months went by! Four more months until we hit a year, I better get going on a birthday party! Lots of Love to you and yours. 

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