Hello my wonderful readers! So I have decided to make this post ahead of time in case I wasn't home in time with the babies from the hospital. We should be home and enjoying Christmas as a family of 5 right now so hopefully we are :-). Hope all of you have a wonderful and beautiful day celebrating Jesus' birthday!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! I hope you all stay safe and happy! See you in 2017!!!
Sunday, December 25, 2016
Monday, December 19, 2016
Bouncing Baby - THEY ARE HERE!!!!
Hello my wonderful readers. I just wanted to let you know that they have arrived! It may be a little while before I can get a good post up about their arrival so bare with me as I take this family time. Hope you are all enjoying the holiday season, prayers for me and babies and Aaron and big sister Penelope are so much appreciated! Love through the Holidays!
Friday, December 16, 2016
Bouncing Baby - Update Week 36
Hello my wonderful readers. Can't believe 36 weeks is here and gone already! Can't wait to meet these two! This week I was sick with a cold all week along with Penelope, it has been the hardest week ever! The pregnancy is making it so hard to get better. Penelope has healed just fine but I still have a cough. The week was spent resting and making sure everything is in order for the birth. I'm extremely tired and sore so I'm not sure they will make it to the scheduled birth. The week ended with us hosting a small family Christmas sinve we might not be up for traveling for Christmas this year. It was fun and wonderful! Family all had fun watching Penelope and my niece open gifts.
Hope you enjoy my possible last pregnancy update!
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Thorsen Christmas Card 2016
Hello my wonderful readers. We decided to get our Christmas cards done early this year because of not really knowing exactly when the twins would make their arrival. My goal was to have all Christmas shopping and Christmas cards done and ready to go by the end of October, I got the Christmas cards done at least. Here they are!

I hope you enjoy them as much as we do! Happy Holidays from the Thorsens!
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Bouncing Baby - Update Week 34 & 35
Hello my wonderful readers. I am hoping this post goes up at the right time instead of late haha. Week 34 and 35 was the holiday and also getting the last stuff ready for the babies in case they make their debut early.
Week 34 started off with hubby working his butt off, he has been doing whatever he can to help out and is the most amazing man ever!! I am so thankful and grateful God brought him into my life and chose him as the man I have my children with, God is so good!! Thanksgiving was wonderful (post is up on this). We ended the week by watching the new Gilmore Girls and I have to say I need more! That is all I will say so I don't spoil it for anyone. We went to the wonderful Christmas kickoff at church and it was so good! We also decorated the house and put the tree and all decor up.
Week 35 started with my Christmas cards going out (keep an eye out for the Christmas card on here soon)! I have been having a lot of Braxton Hicks this week and just sitting around with my feet up and drinking water because I need these babies to stay in a few more weeks! We did go to our MOMs group and had some fun. Wednesday me and Penelope both came down in one day with a cold big time and finished out the week with it. I had to skip bible study and Aaron had to stay home from work (which never happens unless it's serious) to help me with P and let me rest a little bit. Thankfully I have not gotten a fever and P has had only really a 99 degree "fever" which is nothing so just getting a toddler to sit still has been my challenge this week.
Saturday, December 3, 2016
Christmas Decor 2016
Hello my wonderful readers. The Christmas cards have gone out and we are completely decorated by the end of November, all that is left is one Christmas gift to buy! I consider that a serious win! Here are pictures of my decor. The only thing I didn't take a picture of was the short string of green garland and red plain bow on the outside of the front door.
Here is Penelope excited to decorate as daddy was getting stuff out of the shed.
The Christmas tree 2016. I picked just the important and favorite ornaments this year. This is our toddler proofing method haha.
I love this! She has gotten so big since last year!
This is my card holder I made during Moms group, I think it will work so much better than the piece of ribbon and plain clothes pins.
One of my cabinets decorated above and below is my favorite nativity scene I have, Jesus is the reason for the season! Also our nutcracker collection.
Last but not least is my beautiful wreath and all of our stockings, the twins will be here by Christmas for sure so we did get them a stocking for this year. We don't normally put anything in the stockings they are just for looks until the kids get a little bigger.
Hope you enjoyed seeing how we decorate for Christmas in our home. Hope yours is fun to decorate as well. Loves.
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