Hello my wonderful readers! I have been such a slacker on blogging, just my mindset and life have just not been letting me. I cannot believe that my twins are half way to 2 years old just like that! Time is such a thief! They are growing so well. Andrew is 25 lbs and Juliet is 20 lbs.
Diaper size: We are still in cloth diapers 95% of the time and both are wearing the same size which is extended all the way on the one size diapers. In disposables (which they wear out of the house and at night) they are both in size 4.
Clothing size: Andrew is almost completely out of his 18 mo and he is in 24mo/2T clothes almost all the time now. Juliet is in 18 mo solidly for now.
Sleeping: Both still sleep through the night with a rough night here and there but the big thing is that Andrew is now sleeping with his crib converted to a toddler bed now, he started to climb out and fell down once and that was it we had to change his bed. He was scared the first night but since then has done really well, he does get out of bed in the morning as soon as he is awake and tears the room apart but we have finally child proofed fully so it's not a big deal.
Feeding: They pretty much eat anything we eat just cut up really small. They drink fully out of sippy cups all day.
Routine: We have almost fully transitioned from 2 naps to 1 in the afternoon now so our days look a little different in the morning time now.
Firsts: So many things development wise have happened since their 1 year update as well as different events. They had their first Christmas they could participate, Juliet took her first steps, They went to their first birthday party for a friend of their sister's, They met their first cousin born after them, First Easter they could understand and their Grandmas gave them so many fun things, Went to their first Scottish games, And then a couple days after their 18 mo birthday they will spend the first night away from mommy and daddy (at grandma and grandpa's house), they went to Fairytale town for the first time, they went to the snow for the first time
Movements: They are just running around like crazy. Andrew can climb up in chairs for the most part and onto our couch now. Juliet doesn't really show any interest in trying yet but that's kind of how she is.
Teeth: Andrew has 7 teeth, I think an 8th is coming in. Juliet has 8 and maybe a 9th coming in.
Fairytale town for the first time.
They got cars and tractors for their birthday and Christmas and they are some of their favorite toys.
One of their first swings at the park.
Valentines day.
Juliet loves to look at herself in the camera.
First time to the snow was ok, they weren't huge fans haha.
They switched to big carseats, no more infant seats for us.
Daddy loved this outfit I picked up at my Moms group swap.
16 month picture.
Andrew runs everywhere!
They have been loving the little pool on our porch, its perfect for the 20 mins they stay in it and easier for me to corral them when I'm by myself.
Mother's day.
We went to a Lavender Farm.
Andrew the next morning after his first night in his "big" bed.
18 months old!
I told them to give each other a kiss and they actually did (cue the mommy tears) they are getting so big!
Father's day, it took many shots to get this one that's not wonderful but everyone is looking forward so I call that a win!
Hope you enjoy seeing them grow like we do! I'll give another update for them at 2, it is so weird to say that!!
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