Hello my wonderful readers. I honestly can't believe we are at the 4 month mark already time has gone by so fast! They are getting so big and growing so fast. They had shots at the doctor and were just fine. Andrew is a little over 13 lbs. Juliet is a little over 11 lbs. Juliet is turning over from back to front and starting to crawl. Andrew is also working on it but not as close. They are both in size 1 diapers now and both are fitting into our cloth diapers now so we are trying to use those most of the time.
Clothing Size: both are in 3 month size clothes, no more newborn for either one.
Sleeping: We are kind of getting the 4mo sleep regression here and there but for the most part they are sleeping through the night in their beds in our room still.
Feeding: They are eating every 2 hours on the dot... Andrew eats 5oz and Juliet will eat 3oz-4oz
Routine: We are pretty much in a routine now with big sister, every so often we get out of routine but we try to get it back on track as soon as we can.
Firsts: They had their first St. Patrick's Day, First trip to my mother-in-law's house, First Daddy's birthday celebrated with him and First time in the church nursery (they were champs, no problems at all), and first bath all in the tub together (they were in a little bath tub in the big bath tub with big sister and Andrew screamed the whole time).
We put them in the bouncer together, they didn't care for that too much haha. They love the black and white baby books from Usborne Books.
Sister is showing them her toys.
My mother-in-law bought these for them before we knew what their genders would be. I normally am not a fan of dressing them in matching outfits but these were cute! #twinning
Hope you enjoyed the update! Lots of love!
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