Hello my wonderful readers. Week 18 was quite busy in our lives and the week went by without me even knowing I swear. Our water was shut off for repairs in our apartments for one day which was fine we were prepared for it ahead of time just inconvenient. Also I went to the dentist for a cleaning which was good, and I have heard they recommend you do at least once during pregnancy so that's one thing off my list haha. The cribs for the babies are ordered which makes it so much more real. We are still looking into strollers and deciding exactly which one we want, I am pretty sure that's the last big purchase we have left. We are also making the decision on what type of cloth diapers we are going to use for the twins when they are out of the newborn stage. Week 19 is starting off early, like 5:15am early with a toddler that is ready to run around for the day for some reason haha, they are also paving our parking lot in the apartments we live in so everyone had to find parking elsewhere, again we are prepared but still inconvenient. I finished my genetic screening blood work this week, the time has gotten away from me so I went in at the last couple days of the window I was supposed to go in and do it, oops. Other than all that I am feeling pretty good besides feet swelling, but I think that partly has to do with it being in the 100's here. Can't believe next week we will be half way through already, I better get my butt in gear and get some stuff done while I am still not as big and have a little energy to do stuff. One thing to look forward to is next week we get to find out what the gender of the twins is!!! I am so excited to know!! Lots of love your way and keep an eye out for a gender reveal soon!
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