Hello my wonderful readers. I thought I would start out the "new" blog with a mommy topic. I have gone over in my mind since around the time Penelope was born the idea of cloth diapering her. The topic kind of got put on the back burner since we were so very blessed at both of our showers and by our parents over time to have only ever had to buy one case of diapers in 14 months. Over time I have tried to build up a little stash cheaply of different kinds of cloth to use. I have gotten some through a buy sell trade page on Facebook, and the rest we have gotten from friends that no longer cloth diaper their kids. I have gone through all the steps to prep them to go on her so don't worry they are sanitized completely. I started cloth diapering her part time when she was about 11 months old, I think, and we have both loved it. She does really good, even though we had some leaking at first we got our fit corrected and now its just figuring out the time length of the different diapers with her. I really only cloth diaper her when we are at home for majority of the day because I have yet to take the plunge to traveling with her in cloth. This week, since we are home from traveling for the holidays, I have been cloth diapering her all day for four days now and we have done really well. I will do a separate post on what diapers we have later when majority are clean. You can also look forward to a couple more cloth diapering posts in the future as we hopefully get into it full time. Hope your getting lots of Love in the new year! K
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