Hello my wonderful readers. Today's post I decided to share with you what we have been doing in the Thorsen household the past few weeks to get ready for summer, also called Spring Cleaning! Starting about the beginning of March my husband and I decided to go through all of our clothes and get rid of a bunch because our closet is just overflowing with stuff of ours that doesn't fit or we just don't use and we need more room for Penelope's things. I went through all the maternity stuff and it went in tubs along with any pregnancy stuff and went to our actual storage unit so we have it ready for the next baby down the road. We also went through our storage shed that is attached to our apartment and threw out many things to make room for some baby stuff in there too. We took about three big bags of clothes to the Goodwill and a box of kitchen stuff, since we went through that too. It felt good to be able to clean out some stuff and make room for stuff to not be out in the open. Also around that time I made a little cleaning chart for myself to try to keep the house as clean as it can be with a 5 month old almost crawling around. I also made the chart to spread it out for myself, since I have the thought process that I have to do everything in one day and that's just not realistic. The stuff written below is just normal stuff in a household: Wash towels and sheets on Monday, Clean bathroom and Clean out fridge on Tuesday, Wipe down all baby toys and Wash Penelope's clothes on Wednesday (both of these actually get done about twice a week but this is the main day), Dust the living room and Vacuum on Thursday (this was super important to me since we just had our carpets cleaned and Penelope is on the floor so much playing), the big one is all of my husband and I's laundry on Friday (this takes all day), Grocery shopping (which sometimes gets done on Friday) and Prep breakfasts and lunches for the week on the weekend (done on either Saturday or Sunday depending on what we have planned for the weekend). Everyday I try to take time to clean the kitchen up since our kitchen is not that big it's a disaster after I cook every night, so I try to clean it up and fill the coffee pot for the next day, etc.
The bottom picture is what I will do on a monthly time table: clean the slider door inside and out with the window cleaner and I usually do all the windows at this time (we have a slider and 3 windows), and sweep the front porch outside our front door of our apartment so it looks somewhat inviting.
I will let you know how this schedule works out for me and I would love to hear your schedules if you have one! Loves.
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