Hello my wonderful readers! Week 27 started a little rough emotionally and ended in a bittersweet emotion. I quit my job and that was my last week after being with the company for almost two years. I was filled with many emotions. I feel I have not been treated that well since transferring to my new store after our move and it got to the point that I just couldn't take it anymore. I had talked to the manager many times about certain issues and she would say every time that she would change it and it hasn't happened yet and that has been going on since April. My original plan was to stay until October. My husband and I decided it wasn't worth the stress on me and baby to be there any longer, so I gave my two weeks and that is over with. I plan now to stay home for awhile until that's no longer possible for us and then find a job that hopefully I can use my degree in and is just all around better for me and our family. On a pregnancy note, since this is what it is suppose to be about haha, I got sick for the first time since my first trimester. I believe I just ate something that didn't sit well with the baby. Other than that I am just tired and everything else is perfectly fine. I have been trying to exercise as much as I can. The one craving I have had since I got pregnant has been chili dogs and California rolls, well my parents came to visit us and we went to sushi and I had California rolls and they were AMAZING! They tasted like the best thing I ever ate in my life haha.
Week 28 is the start of the Third Trimester!!! We are 2/3rds of the way to meeting little miss Penelope Ann. I am scared and nervous both for everything and whether we will have all we need and it will be ready for her when she gets here. We did get our first pack of diapers sent to us from a friend so we do have one pack of newborn size diapers, and we did buy our first pack of wipes because they were on extreme clearance at CVS that we couldn't pass up 180 wipes for $4, it was a better deal than we had really seen anywhere so far. I felt really excited to have those two things for sure for her and of course we have picked up a few outfits along the way since we found out it was a girl (I'll share those in another post soon). Otherwise week 28 has been good and I did get my chili dog and it tasted so good! Also this week I joined a Moms group that is starting at our church that I am really excited about. We haven't really joined anything since we moved and met a lot of people from this area so I am excited to meet some moms and maybe get some tips and tricks as well as just hanging out with some nice people that share the same values. I will end with another baby bump picture from week 28. Loves.
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