Hello my wonderful readers! If any of you are still there it has been awhile since I have written anything on here. Life just got going and I honestly lost the drive to write anything. It has been almost two years. Well we can start with an update. We still live in the same house woohoo. Aaron and I have been married for 7 years now, I am now 31, Penelope is 6 and the twins are now 4. We have been really busy doing life during the shut down and all that. Trying to keep everyone (inside our home and outside our home) happy is really hard! Penelope is half way through kindergarten now, we did the last half of TK and all of kinder so far distance learning which has been a change becoming the teacher I thought one day I wanted to be. We have seriously considered homeschool for next year but haven't fully decided yet. I have been diving more into reading for myself lately. With all this "mommy, mommy, mommy" all the time all day every day I needed to do something for me before I lost my mind haha. I am not sure if I will keep going on the blog or not but wanted to come on and say we are still here for now and still going. Love you lots!