Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Newborn Essentials with Twins

Hello my wonderful readers. So over the past couple months I have come up with a list of essential things that we can not live without to survive with twins. Here they are:

1. Bouncer / Swing : I don't know how many times I have had to set one of the babies down to get the other one and these have been a lifesaver. The bouncer also is upright enough for Andrew that has some spit up issues after he eats.

2. Swaddles / Sleep Sacks : Andrew is not really a fan of the swaddles so he is a sleep sack baby but Juliet loves the swaddle, we use them every night.

3. Recliner : We got a recliner last year with our tax money and it is the best thing we have bought in a long time and it has come in handy with rocking the twins and feeding them both at the same time and sleeping haha.

4. Boppy Pillow : We had this with Penelope and it was a lifesaver for setting her down while she was sleeping and she would stay asleep and the pillow has worked wonders with both twins.

5. Dr. Brown Bottles / Drying Rack : When I knew that we had planned to have another baby I started to accumulate Dr. Brown bottles for free from Babies R Us, each month usually they have a buy $25 worth of product and get a free bottle, so now we have about 7 of those bottles and they are wonderful. We have a bottle drying rack this time, which we didn't with Penelope, and we should have had one last time it is so useful and I will be buying one for every baby shower I get invited to.

6. Burp Cloths / Receiving Blankets : These are key things! You can use them for so many different things, burp cloths for the obvious reason cleaning up spit up but also the blankets can be used for that too, receiving blankets can be used for swaddles and just as a regular blanket, so useful!

Hope this list helps someone to get what is actually useful! Lots of Love!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Month 2 with Twins

Hello my wonderful readers! Wow 2 months have just flown by! We are starting to wake up from our daze but not quite haha. I cannot believe the twins are 2 months old already and they are growing so much so fast!
Sleeping: They are sleeping longer stretches at night but still not all night and they are mostly in our bed with us just like their sister did when she was that age. Lately Juliet is only waking up 1 time at night but Andrew is still eating every 3 hours or so. 
Feeding: Still formula fed 3oz every 2.5-3 hours.
Routine: Still not into a certain routine, we are still working on it, my goal each day is to get them dressed and out of jammies haha. We are trying to get into more of routine to go along with big sister's routine. 
They went on their first road trip to grandma and grandpas to watch the Super Bowl, it was only 2 hours away but still it was an adventure. They did wonderful going there and while we were there, they also did good coming home until the last 30 minutes of driving they started to fuss because it was almost time to eat.
Stats from their doctor's appointment:
Andrew: 9lbs 11oz 21.25inches
Juliet: 8lbs 11oz 20.75inches
Also they received their first set of shots and took them like a couple of champs.

I had these shirts made for all of them when I first found out we were having twins, I almost waited too long to put them on them and take pictures because Andrew and Penelope's both were almost getting a little snug already. It took a lot of pictures to get this one where no one looks unhappy haha. 

Hope you enjoyed the little monthly update on the twins. I am going to try to get their birth story up soon. Lots of love your way! 

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Lemon Cookie Recipe

Hello my wonderful readers. We have been eating a lot of junk food over the past couple months, which is about to change, but I wanted to share this awesome cookie recipe I found with you that we have made so many times. I love lemon anything and these cookies are so light it really doesn't feel like your pigging out on them until they are all gone haha. 
Lemon cookies
8oz cool whip
1 box lemon cake mix
1 egg
Powdered sugar

Preheat your oven to 350
You mix all but the powdered sugar in a bowl 
You make balls of the dough 
Drop each one into the powdered sugar and cover 
Place on cookie sheet 2 inches apart (they will spread out a lot)
Cook 8-10 minutes until golden brown 
Enjoy the deliciousness but beware you have been warned you will eat the whole tray! 

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Month 1 with the Twins

Hello my wonderful readers. I can't believe the twins are a month old already time is going by so fast. I guess that's what happens when you don't get to sleep and all the days run together haha.  In our first month a lot has happened. 
Sleeping: They are waking up every 2.5-3 hours to eat all night and refuse to sleep in their bassinets so there has been a lot of recliner and couch sleeping for us all.
Feeding: I breastfed (via pumping and bottle) both of them until they were 2 weeks old and I could no longer do it so they are formula fed. 
Routine: we have not really established a routine just yet as much as I have tried. 
They have had their first bath right before Christmas.
They had their first holiday which was Christmas.
They also had their first outing to Bass Pro Shops besides the doctors office.
See you in the month 2 update. They just keep getting cuter as time goes on. :-)